About us

Welcome to PwC, one of the leading auditing and consulting services organisations in Germany. Let us take you on a quick tour of our organisation: who we are, how we think, what we do – and how you can benefit from our skills.

Build trust in society, solve important problems

When it comes to auditing and advisory, PwC supports clients of all industry fields to reach their goals. We advise corporations as well as family-owned companies, industry- and service companies, global players and local heroes, the public sector, organisations and NGOs. With our know-how and our expertise, around 700 partners and more than 15,000 experts in 20 locations in Germany support our clients in terms of finding solutions for complex questions in a world changing rapidly – in line with our purpose statement “Build trust in society, solve important problems”.

Contact us

Dr. Torsten Tragl

Dr. Torsten Tragl

Corporate Communications, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 160 5341145

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