The new normal is turning many things upside down – including for large corporations, family businesses, SMEs and the public sector. The challenges are particularly great for a region like Saarland, which is still struggling with the consequences of structural change in its economy. We have almost 100 employees in Saarbrücken, helping the regional economy and the municipal sector to become or remain crisis-proof. In addition to services such as tax consulting or auditing, our integrated team also offers many specialised consulting services – for example, on digital business models, cybersecurity and sustainability issues. We pursue one goal together with you: to make you, our clients, successful and fit for the future.
“Twenty years ago, I moved from Hamburg to Saarland – and I stayed because I believed in the place. The people and the region have grown close to my heart. That’s why I want them both to do well. And as a trusted provider of auditing and advisory services, PwC can contribute a lot to this.”
PwC in Saarbrücken
Europaallee 31
66113 Saarbrücken
Tel: +49 681 9814-100
with various different focuses are located in Saarland alone.
people study at the seven universities and higher education institutions in Saarland.
was the gross domestic product of Saarland in 2021.
Partner, PwC Germany
Nach dem Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Schwerpunkte „Rechnungslegung der Unternehmung“ und „Betriebliche Steuerlehre“) im Jahr 1999 Einstieg im Bereich Wirtschaftsprüfung in Frankfurt am Main. 2007 erfolgte der Wechsel nach Saarbrücken. Seit dem 1. Juli 2023 Leiter der Prüfungsabteilung Saarbrücken.
New technologies, automation and digitalisation – we see ourselves as drivers of transformation and that's why we are looking for you. We want you to work with us to guide our clients into the digital age. We will support you in developing your potential, offer you flexibility in organising your everyday work with our agile working methods and provide you with the latest technologies. We want to shape the workplace of the future together with our employees. Interested?
Promoting exchange between family businesses and entrepreneurial families and addressing relevant topics is one of our key concerns. Therefore, we collaborate with leading committees, institutes and associations.