Marc Schnell

Marc Schnell


München, PwC Germany

Marc is an expert in transfer pricing. With more than 23 years of professional experience as a consultant, he has worked on numerous projects, including transfer pricing planning and documentation, dispute resolution management, advance pricing agreements and mutual agreement procedures for companies in the automotive, engineering, medical device and household appliance component industries.

Marc is a member of the International Fiscal Association and has published numerous articles on transfer pricing in German and international tax journals. Furthermore, he is a sought-after speaker at transfer pricing seminars.

Language: English

Membership: Member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA)

At a glance

Areas of focus

  • Transfer Pricing


  • Since 2019: PwC, Munich
  • Until 2018: Big Four, Düsseldorf, Nuremberg and Munich


  • Multinational companies


  • Economist (Diploma) since 2000
  • Until 2000: Study of economics, Ruhr-University Bochum
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