Thomas Riedl

Thomas Riedl

Director, Tax-Co-leader of JBN Düsseldorf

Düsseldorf, PwC Germany

Thomas Riedl is an expert for national and international taxation of corporations and partnerships with a strong focus on Japanese companies in Europe. With more than 30 years of professional experience, he has been involved in numerous projects, including cross-border restructurings and cross-border tax audits in Europe as well as structuring the supply-chain of companies.

Languages: German, English, French

At a glance

Areas of focus

  • Digital Services Tax & Legal
  • Tax advice for companies


  • Since 1999: PwC Düsseldorf
  • Until 1999: Worked in a international focussed middle-market practice in Heidelberg


  • National and international multinational companies in Automotive, Machinery Industry as well as Data Centers and Japanese Trading Houses


  • Tax advisor since 1997
  • Until 1993: Study of Economics and Taxation, University of Heidelberg
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