PwC is among Germany's leading auditing and consultancy organisations and a member of the worldwide PwC network.
Through the international network of PwC, we are represented worldwide by more than 364,000 staff members in all the important business locations of 151 countries. PwC is the common name of PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft in Germany and of the other, legally autonomous, member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited.
The uniform quality of our services worldwide is ensured by tight strategic and professional interlinking within this network.
Around the world, we offer industry-specific solutions in the areas of auditing, tax consultancy and financial advice with a capital market orientation. We provide support on transactions, in complying with legal and regulatory requirements, and in improving business processes. More on our international network can be found in our Global Annual Review.