Deal Announcement 08/15: Healthcare

PwC M&A acted as exclusive advisor to Evangelische Stiftung Volmarstein on the merger of one of its hospitals with Klinikum Westfalen GmbH

The Deal

PwC M&A and PwC Legal were mandated by the Evangelische Stiftung Volmarstein in 2014 as exclusive advisor to sell its hospitals to a strategic investor. We conducted a competitive auction process to seek a strategic partner for its hospitals. The agreement for merger of the hospital in Lütgendortmund with Klinikum Westfalen, owned by the German statutory health insurance Knappschaft Bahn-See and the cities of Kamen and Lünen, was closed in the last half of 2015. With a focus on psychiatry and geriatrics, the hospital in Lütgendortmund (approx. 300 beds and 400 employees) will complement the impatient services offered by the three existing hospitals of Klinikum Westfalen. The companies have agreed not to disclose the purchase price and further details of the transaction.

Evangelische Stiftung Volmarstein

The German Evangelische Stiftung Volmarstein (ESV) is a charitable trust for the handicapped and elderly, with headquarter in Wetter-Volmarstein. With approx. 3,400 employees ESV treats several thousand patients in Germany every year.

Klinikum Westfalen

Klinikum Westfalen comprises a group of hospitals in the state of North-Rhine Westphalia. Employing 1,800 staff, Klinikum Westfalen treats approx. 135,000 patients every year.


The global PricewaterhouseCoopers network is a worldwide association of independent auditing and consulting companies which together employ more than 195,000 employees in 157 countries. Our global network comprises nearly 1,550 M&A professionals all over the world, realizing approx. 390 successful transactions per year. We specialize in a wide range of independent M&A services including advice on acquisitions and disposals, mergers, public takeovers, privatizations as well as structured financing.

The PwC M&A team in Germany acted as exclusive advisor to Evangelische Stiftung Volmarstein and PwC Legal acted as exclusive legal advisor.

The following PwC M&A and PwC Legal team members were involved: Alexander von Friesen (Partner), Kai Drigalla (Senior Manager) and Adrian Schlegtendal (Consultant)i(PwCiM&A) as well as Melanie Eichler (Manager) (PwC Legal).

Deal Announcement 08/15: Healthcare

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Dr. Alexander von Friesen

Dr. Alexander von Friesen

Partner, Corporate Finance | M&A Healthcare & Consumer, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 151 11714398

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