Financial Modeling

The success of an investment very much depends on reliable financial models. These complex models should be developed carefully by experienced specialists in order to avoid wrong decisions and unnecessary costs.

Financial models are usually built with the software MS Excel, which permits extensive calculations using formulae and functions - and this can also create problems for the user. Time pressure and inexperience on the part of the modellers may result in modelling errors and thus in wrong decisions and may have a negative impact on results. Our modelling experts in the Center of Excellence Modelling Transactions (CoEMT) combine sector-specific and managerial-economic expertise with extensive knowledge of MS Excel and VBA programming, and offer you individual solution concepts in the three following areas:

  • Modelling: Development of MS-Excel-based models tailored to your specific needs.
  • Model Review: Review of the models to identify errors so that you are able to take reliable decisions.
  • Model Advice: Support for preparing and structuring your own MS-Excel-based models.

As our client, you receive reliable, flexible and user-friendly models which take account of the transaction- and company-specific conditions. Models which are prepared or tested by PwC meet the present-day standards, and provide you with a reliable basis for taking decisions, and thus protecting you against expensive wrong decisions.

The modelling specialists of the CoEMT are able to access world-wide contacts inside and outside the international PwC network, and also advise you on appropriate action for dealing with contractual, tax and accounting problems.

Contact us

Heiko Lentge

Heiko Lentge

Global Head ECA Advisory & Head of CoE Modelling Transactions, PwC Germany

Sergej Pankratz

Sergej Pankratz

Co-Head Center of Excellence Modelling Transactions, PwC Germany

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