Venture Deals

Support in the execution of your start-up transaction, from the financing round to the acquisition

Your expert for questions

Enrico Reiche, Partner, Venture Deals Lead at PwC Germany

Enrico Reiche
Partner, Venture Deals Lead at PwC Germany
Tel.: +49 151 16781604

We provide you with comprehensive support for your venture investment

Almost half of CEOs worldwide are convinced that their company will no longer be viable in ten years if it continues on its current course. This is the conclusion of the 27th Global CEO Survey by PwC. Global megatrends are forcing companies to reinvent their business models.

Against this backdrop, established companies are increasingly opting to collaborate with start-ups. This gives them access to future technologies, digital talent and knowledge – a decisive step towards securing their own future viability.

Investing in start-ups is a way of remaining innovative and gaining strategic advantages in the face of geopolitical uncertainties, rapid technological change and increased global competition.

Our services at a glance

Venture Deals: Unsere Leistungen

Are you planning to set up your own CVC unit for your company?

Would you like to successfully integrate ESG into your fundraising and investment process?

Are you planning to invest in or acquire a start-up as part of your innovation strategy?

Do you want to invest in venture capital funds as part of your innovation strategy?

Would you like to evaluate your venture capital investment portfolio on a regular basis?

Are you planning a spin-off or divestment of a start-up investment as part of a structured process?

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Venture capital market loses momentum – but still offers numerous opportunities

Our Venture Capital Market Study shows: The German venture capital market has recently lost its resilience: Compared to 2022, both the number and volume of VC transactions have declined significantly in 2023. Other indicators also point to a decline in the resilience of the VC market: insolvencies have risen significantly, while the prices realised have fallen sharply and significantly fewer company sales and IPOs have taken place overall.

Sustainable and long-term business models sought

Nevertheless, the venture capital market offers numerous opportunities for established companies. However, it is important to observe a few rules of the game. In view of the currently lower expected returns, for example, it makes sense to focus on capital-efficient, sustainable and long-term business models. In view of the current crises, start-ups in the fields of climate technology, mobility and logistics as well as biotechnology and medical technology are currently particularly attractive.

You want to directly invest in a start-up or sector-specific VC-fonds as part of your investment strategy? You are planning the launch of a new CVC-fond or want to invest in venture capital fonds as part of your innovation strategy? Our venture deals experts guide you along your way with their extensive experience in venture deals structuring and counceling.

Case study: How to successfully enter the venture capital asset class

Looking to successfully enter the world of venture capital? Our case study reveals how a regional energy company achieved this through strategic LP investments in VC funds. With PwC as their innovation and transaction advisor, tailored investment strategies were developed. Discover how our evaluation model helps select the best funds to achieve both financial returns and strategic value, enhancing innovation and competitive position.

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Your experts at PwC

Enrico Reiche
Enrico Reiche

Raise Program Lead, PwC Next Level, PwC Germany

Mit mehr als 16 Jahren Erfahrung in der Transaktionsberatung leitet Enrico Reiche derzeit das Venture-Deals-Team und das Raise-Programm bei PwC Deutschland. Er ist Mitbegründer der PwC-Startup-Initiative Next Level und Co-Leiter des Center of Excellence für Corporate Venture Capital (CVC).

Marco Zeidler
Marco Zeidler

Partner, Corporate Finance | M&A Software & Technologies, PwC Germany

Tim Leitzke
Tim Leitzke

Partner, Deals, PwC Germany

Dr. Minkus Fischer
Dr. Minkus Fischer

Rechtliche Beratung, PwC Germany

Thorsten Seidel
Thorsten Seidel

Director, Capital Markets Accounting Advisory, PwC Germany

Oliver Rösch
Oliver Rösch

Director, Tax, PwC Germany

Marc Göbbels
Marc Göbbels

Partner, Sustainability Services, PwC Germany

Marc Göbbels ist Partner des ESG-in-Deals-Teams und verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung in der Beratung von Privatmarkt-Investoren und Unternehmen zu Nachhaltigkeit und verantwortungsvollem Investieren. Dazu gehören insbesondere die Durchführung von ESG-Due-Diligence-Projekten und die Entwicklung von ESG & Impact-Strategien für Fonds (PE/VC/Infrastruktur) und deren Unternehmen.

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Contact us

Enrico Reiche

Enrico Reiche

Partner, Venture Deals Lead, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 151 16781604
