PwC Germany’s total revenue exceeds €3 billion for the first time

  • Pressemitteilung
  • 29 Oct 2024

PwC Germany has increased its total revenue by 4.2% to €3.053 billion, retaining its position as the market leader. / PwC Germany is driving innovation by integrating AI into existing services and new business opportunities. / PwC Germany remains an attractive employer: the number of partners and employees in the firm has now risen to over 15,000.

Frankfurt am Main, 29 October 2024

Auditing and consulting firm PwC Germany generated total revenues of €3.053 billion in the financial year to 30 June 2024. This represents an increase of around €124 million (+4.2%) on the previous year’s figure (€2.930 billion). PwC Germany has thus been able to further consolidate its position as the country’s leading auditing and consulting firm.

“Our continuous growth underscores our strong position in the market, and shows that our services remain in demand in challenging times – particularly so during these times, in fact. We’re continuing to invest in our employees and in innovative services so that we can provide high-quality solutions to support our clients.”

Petra Justenhoven,Chairwoman of the Management Board at PwC Germany

Development across lines of service and workforce growth

Assurance Solutions delivered €917 million in revenue, an increase of 12.5%. This reflects the sustained need for high-quality support with financial and sustainability reporting. Tax & Legal Solutions earned €615 million, an increase of 7.1%. This highlights the importance of comprehensive tax advisory services and interdisciplinary collaboration. Consulting Solutions generated €1.459 billion, 1.9% down on 2023. These statistics reflect PwC Germany’s new organisation following a restructuring which took effect on 1 July 2023; the 2023 figures have been amended accordingly.

PwC Germany’s workforce grew in the 2024 financial year from 14,364 to 15,230 employees. The number of partners also rose, to around 700.

“We are very proud that we have been able to remain an attractive employer and that we have enjoyed such massive growth in our community of solvers over the last year.”

Petra Justenhoven,Chairwoman of the Management Board at PwC Germany

The global PwC network, with member firms in 149 countries, generated $55.4 billion – a 3.7% increase on last year. More than 370,000 people work in the PwC network worldwide, with 6,161 new jobs created in 2024. PwC has a presence in 656 cities, keeping the firm close to its clients.

PwC Germany remains a strong partner in times of transformation and volatile markets

Fundamental trust in society is currently being put to a severe test. New political and geopolitical conflicts, rapid technological change, and a green transition that needs to be conducted rapidly have shaken the very foundations of the old order and dampened Germany’s economic prospects.

Against this backdrop, PwC Germany and the entire PwC network are focusing on three areas that are particularly important to clients: trust in what matters, climate transition and business model reinvention. The issue of technology, with a particular focus on AI, plays a key role in all three of these areas. PwC uses comprehensive sector and industry know-how, interdisciplinary expertise and suitable technology to develop tailored solutions for its clients. This stimulates sustainable growth – both for clients and for PwC’s areas of business.

PwC is investing in AI and developing trailblazing strategies and solutions for clients and employees

AI, and particularly generative AI (GenAI), is a hot topic in the economy, society and politics alike, and is triggering rapid and permanent change in knowledge work. PwC Germany and the PwC network are playing an active part in shaping these developments through investment, innovation and alliances.

“Our vision is to empower our clients so that they can succeed in an AI-powered future.”

Petra Justenhoven,Chairwoman of the Management Board at PwC Germany

PwC is already a leading firm in AI: partnerships with Microsoft, Aleph Alpha and OpenAI enable the firm to harness generative AI to boost efficiency and productivity among its clients and to transform their businesses.

Back in 2023, PwC Germany announced that it would make significant investments in AI over the coming years to make itself stand out in the market, and the firm is pursuing multiple goals with AI. AI solutions are being integrated into existing services, specifically linking GenAI with existing business, and PwC is also helping its clients to harness AI to exploit new business opportunities. On top of this, employees are being empowered to use AI to make internal processes more efficient, helping alliance partners to further develop their products as well. All of this allows PwC to deliver high-quality, client-oriented solutions, enabling more productive and efficient working within teams and with clients.

PwC Germany is investing in long-term employee welfare and training

“In a dynamic world of work, it’s vital for us to offer employees an environment that doesn’t just promote their health and welfare, but also enables flexible working. This enables employees to realise their full potential and develop innovative solutions.”

Petra Justenhoven,Chairwoman of the Management Board at PwC Germany

Over the last year, PwC has stepped up its employee focus, particularly around flexible working and flexible hours. Employee health, good freedom of choice and flexibility were paramount. PwC is also making heavy investments in employee training, particularly around AI and the CSRD. This represents a long-term contribution to developing knowledge work in an economy and a society that are undergoing profound transformation.

Optimistic outlook: PwC Germany is focusing on quality and growth in all areas of business

Given the current market conditions, opportunities and risks, PwC is confident in its ability to continue its growth. 

“We have an optimistic view of the future, and we expect growth in all our areas of business – even in this financial year. Quality remains and will remain the key to our success. Our ambition is to further broaden our position as the leading auditing and consulting firm in Germany. We are a community of solvers, delivering know-how where it’s needed. High quality in all our products and services is key to building trust.”

Petra Justenhoven,Chairwoman of the Management Board at PwC Germany

About PwC

At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 149 countries with over 370,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services.

“PwC” refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.


Dr Torsten Tragl
Dr Torsten Tragl

PwC Communications, PwC Germany

PwC Communications, PwC Germany
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