RPA test

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Do you know what RPA is and how it can be used?

Does your sub-process meet the following requirements?

Less than:

  • 500 process steps,
  • 5 applications (Excel, Email, SAP etc.),
  • five decisions?

Does the sub-process occur frequently?

Is the sub-process time-critical or time-consuming?

Is the necessary information on the processes available in electronic form (e.g. e-mail, Excel, Word, PDF)?

Is your sub-process already well structured and harmonized?

Is the processing of information rules-based within the sub-processes?

Is the process stable?

Does the sub-process require any fact assessments to be performed?

Just have a look at our video at www.pwc.de/rpa-finance!


Processes that do not meet these requirements are generally less suitable for automation using robotics, as they require more maintenance. Feel free to contact us!


The existing information must first be converted into electronic form. Feel free to contact us!


Processes should first be optimized and harmonized before they are automated using Bot. Feel free to contact us!


A bot processes the steps of a process according to predefined rules. If necessary, your process can be optimized. Please contact us!


It is time-consuming to maintain Bots for processes that change frequently. Therefore, such processes are not suitable for automation. It is possible that a sub-process could be automated. Feel free to contact us!


Assessments that are not based on clear rules are difficult to automate. The use of artificial intelligence in the field of RPA is also still under development. Feel free to contact us!


Your sub-process seems to be a suitable automation candidate! We are happy to support you from documentation to programming. You can find our services at www.pwc.de/rpa-finance.

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Christoph Gruss

Christoph Gruss

Partner, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 160 4721385

Verena Glutting

Verena Glutting

Director, Financial Reporting, PwC Germany
