Payroll accounting

Confidential data, constant changes to tax and social security law: payroll accounting (salaries and wages accounting) is a sensitive and complex area with risks that are often underestimated. Companies can minimise these risks by outsourcing payroll to us.

Our services at a glance

  • Setting up payroll accounting that is tailored to individual requirements
  • Compiling payroll accounts
  • Compiling payroll tax returns, statements of social security contributions and all other returns
  • Payment of salaries, taxes and social security contributions (setting up bank transfers or payments via an escrow account)
  • Compiling individual postings lists for transferring payroll data to financial accounting systems, electronically if required
  • Preparing management reports
  • Compiling notifications required under social security legislation (for example, registering and de-registering employees and annual remuneration returns)
  • Reports to employers’ liability insurance association and on the compensation levy for not employing severely disabled persons
  • Providing advice on queries from the tax office, health insurance companies and job centre (including preparing certificates)
  • Providing advice and assistance with external payroll tax audits and audits by the social security agencies
  • Providing advice and support on dealing with problems relating to payroll tax and social security legislation
  • Compiling requests for income tax reductions and income tax declarations for employees and partners

Compiling payroll accounts requires in-depth specialist knowledge and must ensure that the data involved remains confidential. That can often be an enormous challenge for companies. Our specialists know the latest developments in payroll tax and social security legislation, take on all payroll accounting tasks and support them during all types of statutory audits. 

We also advise on specific issues relating to payroll tax and social security legislation, provide on-site inductions for company payroll accountants as well as supporting them if required.

The benefits to you at a glance

Time saving through efficient workflows

We work efficiently and deliver on time thanks to clearly defined, tried and tested procedures. A central factor in this is the “best in class” technologies we use at all stages: data provision, creation of payroll accounts, individual analyses and reports that our customers used for internal reporting and financial controls.

Risk mitigation through competent, pro-active consultation

Our specialists’ competence and experience guarantee optimal results. Our pro-active approach to consulting also guarantees that companies will always be informed of the latest developments in income tax and social security law so they can always be one step ahead.

Globally coordinated processes ensured by having one central contact person

We coordinate salaries and wages accounts across borders. The specialists in our network companies outside Germany compile payroll accounts for foreign subsidiaries and branches. One PwC Germany employee acts as central contact person for our clients.

Specialist knowledge of foreign employees through many years of experience

Due to our many years of providing consultancy services for international clients, we have a deep specialist knowledge of the specifics of accounting for expatriate staff and staff with net salary agreements.

Concentration on core competences through outsourcing

Outsourcing payroll accounting to us allows companies to concentrate on active business and their core competences.

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