Tax returns

What we offer our clients, and the benefits of our approach

Rising pressure from the competition is forcing businesses to concentrate harder on their core competences. We can help by taking on some – or all – administrative tasks relating to tax compliance.

Our services at a glance

  • Compiling payroll accounts
  • Compiling financial accounts
  • Compiling year-end accounts
  • Compiling business tax returns
  • Tax accounting
  • Tax reporting

How we work

With the help of our local colleagues, we advise companies in Germany and their foreign affiliates. We produce tailored service packages that allow personnel to comply with their global obligations on tax returns, tax notifications and documentation. We also engage specialist teams and use “best in class” technologies.

Our Compliance Relationship Managers (CRM) are at the heart of this approach. They act as the central contact for all of our clients’ questions on tax issues in or outside Germany. They also coordinate all compliance tasks and activities worldwide, agree reporting periods and deadlines with you and ensure they are met. 

The CRMs are supported by our experienced compliance team within our global network of specialists, as well as our web-based tool IGCS. This central communication and data platform is available around the clock to both our customers and our teams, reducing e-mail traffic to the bare minimum.

And there’s more: we also use innovative technologies and applications throughout the entire process, from sharing data to sending results to Finance and other relevant departments.

Benefits at a glance

World-class specialists

With their many years of experience, our compliance specialists can immediately identify any risks posed by changes to commercial or tax legislation and develop tailor-made solutions.  The CRMs and their teams also provide our clients with the key information they need for their tax planning when they need it.

Innovative technologies

The very latest technologies and applications help us to identify and deal with risks from an early stage. They also ensure maximum process efficiency, significantly reducing the administrative burden on our clients.

Transparency and monitoring

The relevant personnel can use our communication and data platform IGCS to monitor current processing status and retrieve summaries of operational outcomes, deadlines and risk warnings at any time. That is a crucial factor in meeting all regulatory and statutory compliance requirements worldwide.

Consistent standards

Single source, compatible solution: when we take on all of a company’s compliance activities, this ensures consistent standards are applied and close compatibility is achieved between information and documentation.

Cost savings and secure planning

Our compliance package also optimises in-company cost management processes. That’s because our specialists fine-tune the service to the business’s organisational structure and individual requirements.

Contact us

Iris Selch

Iris Selch

Partner, verantwortlich für Payroll Deutschland, alle Standorte, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 160 90696078

Andreas Lindner

Andreas Lindner

Director, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 69 9585-6746

Sabine Pesch

Sabine Pesch

Partnerin, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 151 16129835

Florian Rottgardt, LL.M. (Wien)

Florian Rottgardt, LL.M. (Wien)

Partner, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 160 98966711

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