Change management

Your expert for questions

Matthias Pfeiffer
Senior Manager People & Organisation at PwC Germany

How to bring about authentic and sustainable changes

Change management plays a particularly important role for organisations that place their employees front and centre in their transformation process to achieve quantifiably better results. A company‘s success in the world of business hinges on its strategic agility as well as its ability to implement defined measures. In this context, strategies, processes, and technology on their own will not lead to success. Employees are the heart of the company, and it is up to them to accept, drive, and implement changes. People make up the competitive advantage that enables a company to sustainably differentiate itself in the market.

“Being able to change is no longer a matter for individual projects with a start and end date. It is now rather a matter of each company undergoing continuous development as a whole and overcoming the numerous obstacles that stand in the way in a complex and dynamic world.”

Matthias Pfeiffer,Senior Manager, People & Organisation at PwC Germany

Change management as core competence

Is your company ready to take on the challenges on the road to digitalisation? Can you spell out your vision for transformation and do you know how this will alter your organisation? In what way will your personnel be affected by this change?

Our tried-and-tested four-stage process:

Gets the team centred around a specific need for change or innovation. It is crucial for everyone to be in lock step when embarking on a change intervention. 

Provide concrete ways for the team to engage, which will promote buy in by showing team members that they have a stake in the change.

Once we have an engaged culture, we enable a new way of working by using fresh knowledge, habits, and resources. 

Finally we measure and coach people on how to evolve by linking big goals to team, and individual, metrics that serve as leading indicators of the right behaviours.

How we can help – putting people at the heart of your transformation

The experts from PwC work according to the “People-Centric Change Approach” (PCCA). This approach places people front and centre for the transformation process and thus helps companies to achieve better results.

PwC assists managers and personnel with their further training and upskilling. We help companies to develop the skills, knowledge and behaviour patterns that are needed to achieve their desired business results.

PwC Change Navigator Tool

The PwC Change Navigator is a digital workbench with which change teams can analyze the changes in their company in a holistic way. They are able to identify impacts, create an optimally adapted change plan and track progress using key rollout indicators.

Find out more

Contact us

Matthias Pfeiffer

Matthias Pfeiffer

Director, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 175 2911057

Katja Morgia

Katja Morgia

Director, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 170 9305703

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