Your expert for questions
Raik Uhlmann
Partner, subsidy advice, PwC Germany
Tel: +49 30 2636-5349
The COVID-19 pandemic has plunged the European economy into a crisis. The German economy also faces the threat of a recession. To mitigate the impact of the Coronavirus crisis, the German Federal Government and the EU Commission are planning to restart the economy by launching a “Green Deal” and a “Green Recovery”. Funding will focus on projects that contribute to climate protection, energy efficiency or sustainability.
The environment also plays an important role in applications for funding. In the future, funding for industrial companies will be connected to guidelines for climate protection and sustainability. At the same time, the German Federal Government and the EU want to further promote investment in renewable energy, sustainable transport models and climate-friendly industrial processes.
“Companies can apply for a wide range of funding opportunities that support progress toward their plans for sustainable development. The biggest challenge is to get a clear overview despite the complexity of the funding landscape.”
There is a wide range of funding programs in Germany that focus on sustainability targets, from the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (Credit Bank for Reconstruction) in Germany through to the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control. They offer opportunities for companies to access short-term financing for doing business in an environmentally responsible way – especially companies that consume a high volume of energy. On top of this, companies can use these funding programs to implement their sustainability plans more quickly and efficiently, which can generate a long-term competitive advantage.
Funding is a complex topic that presents several questions for companies:
Industrial companies face a range of potential hurdles – from understanding parallel funding programs that set very different conditions, through to managing and retaining existing privileges. We accompany you on your journey from the first analysis of funding programs through to the application process and implementing any resulting guidelines or legal requirements.
The legal experts at PwC provide support for topics including:
The legal experts at PwC assess and evaluate climate protection and sustainability-related funding programs in the context of the Green Deal and the Green Recovery initiative. We support you in getting the best possible outcome for your company. Our inter-disciplinary team includes lawyers, economists and engineers. We accompany you on the path to new and sustainable business models.