Sustainability in the energy sector

Your expert for questions

Folker Trepte
Leader Energy, Utilities & Resources, PwC Germany

Affordable, reliable and green energy for everyone

Energy utilities have long played a key role in the energy transition by contributing to a secure energy supply and decarbonisation. The public has never been more engaged in the current debate about the growing importance of sustainability in society, the economy and the environment. With political pressure rising and the level of regulation increasing, investors are signalling their willingness to invest only in companies committed to climate protection and sustainability – in word and in deed.

These trends are forcing energy utilities to systematically pursue their transition to affordable, reliable and more sustainable energy and to set ambitious goals in terms of reducing CO2 emissions. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly important to integrate sustainability concepts within companies and governance structures and not only to understand the effects of one's own actions, but also to measure them and ensure their implementation.

Energy utilities will need a comprehensive approach to seize the opportunities that these changes will bring about and to elevate the issue of sustainability and set new standards. Our experts at PwC and Strategy& will help you tackle these challenges.

Your situation

Sustainability entails changes and risks for utilities

The discussion at hand is about sustainability, society and corporate governance. This raises many questions for corporate management teams. As the pressure to further transform one's own organisation rises, so, too, do the opportunities to open up new business areas and unlock the resulting potential for growth.

Key questions:

  • How can we increase the value of our company through sustainability?
  • What are the risks?
  • Which technologies and markets should we invest in?
  • What opportunities can we offer our existing and prospective customers by focusing on sustainability?
  • How can we commit our organisation and employees to sustainability?
  • Which sustainability KPIs should we measure and how can we integrate these into our reporting?

Our services

A comprehensive approach covers all aspects of sustainability and creates added value

The experts at PwC and Strategy& will advise you on your path to sustainability. We cover all key issues along value chain to make your transformation a success.

Our advising services cover the following in particular:

Sustainability strategy: We work with you to develop a sustainability vision, mission and strategy. We'll help guide you as you settle on your transformation agenda and map out your sustainability strategy.

Climate scenario analyse: Using resiliency tests, we analyse whether your strategy promises to be a success in various future scenarios (LINK TO CX TOOL).

Corporate governance:
We'll help you anchor sustainability within your organisation, processes and corporate culture.

Setting targets based on science (LINK TO scientific-based targets) facilitates efficient communication with suppliers.

Product generation: We'll help you devise a strategy for renewable energy, assess new technologies, prepare the underlying business cases and establish a more green portfolio.

Customers: We'll help you market green energy and tailor your services as your customers' energy efficiency and digitalisation demands change.

Circular economy: We'll help you transition to a circular economy. This includes prioritising renewable energy, maximising the recyclability of assets and recycling by-products. Examples include reusing batteries and using biogas and biomass in waste disposal and electricity, gas and heat generation.

Health, safety and fairness: We'll help you anchor occupational health and safety within your company by implementing a health, safety and environmental management system. This system offers you many advantages: fewer accident-related absences and therefore greater productivity, improved reputation among investors, employees and other stakeholders, less occupational health and safety red tape, structured governance processes, and control over critical activities.

Reporting dashboard: We'll help you manage data to measure the impact of your business activities and the value to society. This includes establishing an integrated reporting system and a customised KPI dashboard.

Chart: The journey towards sustainability along the entire value chain

Our promise

Our sustainability team specialises in energy and is here to help!

From end-to-end: We're your one-stop-shop for all your transformation needs – from strategy to implementation. This also includes tools, data acquisition and organisational embedding.

Complete package: We maintain close ties to industry stakeholders, including regulators, NGOs and global/regional forums. We can quickly anticipate changes, both in the energy industry and in your customers' industries.

Experienced: We have a wealth of experience in the highly complex energy systems – worldwide.

Real added value: We can help you create sustainable added value at three levels: financial performance, social and environmental.

Further insights from the energy industry

Hydrogen – an essential element of the energy transition

Renewable electricity is essential, but cannot decarbonize all sectors of the economy directly. For a deep decarbonization, hydrogen is elementary. The reason: Many processes require fuels or chemical feedstocks - hydrogen can provide these sustainably.

Learn more

The rise of circularity in energy, utilities and resources

Companies in the energy, utilities and resources sectors have the potential to play a huge role in the development of a circular economy.

Learn more

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Folker Trepte

Folker Trepte

Energy, Utilities and Resources Leader, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 89 5790-6758
