Venture Clienting – Collaborate with Startups

Your experts for questions

Katharina Götzen, Managerin, Venture Clienting bei PwC Deutschland, und Philipp Pilat, Venture Clienting Lead bei PwC Deutschland

Katharina von Bülow
Venture Clienting & Venture Building Co-Lead at PwC Germany
Tel: +49 1512 0094441

Philipp Pilat
Venture Clienting Co-Lead at PwC Germany
Tel: +49 1511 7212197

Find the best startup solutions for your challenges and opportunities

We are the bridge between your company and the emerging startups revolutionizing the world of technology. When it comes to staying successful and driving innovation, new startup technologies are the key!

Startups have a fresh set of eyes and deliver new ideas to established industries. With their efficient and innovative approaches, they offer solutions for today's and tomorrow’s challenges. Even in times of geopolitical difficulties, their innovative solutions help to handle resources more efficiently and save costs.

To enhance your innovation capabilities, we help you create the right strategy, structure, and mindset within your company. We support you with identifying and testing the most viable startups and help with the operational execution up to the final stages of implementation.

A true win-win situation: You get access to the newest technologies with tailored solutions, while startups receive valuable experiences and new customers. Our mission is to accompany you on your innovation journey and simplify the processes for your company. With our extensive network of startups and industry experts worldwide, we connect you with the best and most promising companies and understand your challenges. Together, we drive innovation forward and shape the future.

Ready to embark on your innovation journey? Let’s push the boundaries of what's possible together and make your company a leader in your industry!

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Our venture clienting approach

We offer holistic and customizable venture clienting services that can help you with the strategic setup of a venture clienting unit, as well as the operational support of startup scouting and the execution of specific pilot projects.

You can select individual components of the venture clienting offering according to your requirements and needs – depending on how your company is structured and what you need for your innovation journey.

Venture Clienting Setup & Integration (Build your own)

We provide comprehensive support in setting up your venture clienting unit and seamlessly integrating it into your company and processes to achieve maximum success. Our services include:

Venture Clienting Setup & Integration – Step 1

Strategy & Governance 

Development of strategy and governance structures: Together, we develop a tailored strategy, resource concepts, an effective governance model, and optimized processes to seamlessly integrate your venture clienting unit into your company.

Venture Clienting Setup & Integration – Step 2


Measurable success of your activities: We help you measure your venture clienting success rate by developing a customized performance and reporting strategy. Additionally, we support you to select and implement suitable tools to transparently showcase your results.

Venture Clienting Setup & Integration – Step 3

Culture & Learning

Building the right skills and corporate culture: To ensure the successful integration of your new venture clienting activities into your company, we support you in training all employee groups. Furthermore, we help you raise awareness of the topic both internally and externally.

Venture Clienting Setup & Integration Results


We help you design a professional structure for your new venture clienting unit with proven results. We work with your employees to find the best solutions to reach your innovation objectives in an efficient and effective way.

Venture Clienting Management (Collaborate)

We offer a comprehensive program that helps you prepare for long-term collaboration with startups. Here is an overview of the main topic areas:

Venture Clienting Management – Step 1

Market & Startup Analysis

Market assessment and startup scouting: We focus on finding and selecting suitable startups that align with your objectives and requirements. We evaluate the market and identify startups that offer the most promising solutions.

Venture Clienting Management – Step 2

Pilot Phase

Implementation of pilot projects: We provide thorough support during pilot projects with the startups you select. Together, we identify your challenges and opportunities and initiate an approx. three-month pilot phase. Our goal here is to establish a long-term and promising partnership. We accompany you throughout the process and ensure the success of each pilot project.

Venture Clienting Management – Step 3

Implementation Enablement

Preparation for startup partnerships: In the final phase, we help you get ready for the real implementation of the solutions that worked well in the pilot. We support you to create a suitable strategy with different options such as partnerships, investments, shared IP, etc. Our goal is to make your collaboration with startups long-lasting and successful.

Venture Clienting Management results


A data-driven approach, smart collaboration with startups, and seamless execution maximize success in your venture clienting projects. We make precise and impactful decisions during market and startup analysis as well as throughout the entire venture clienting process to enable your long-term collaboration with startups.

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Katharina von Bülow

Katharina von Bülow

Venture Clienting & Venture Building Co-Lead, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 1512 0094441

Philipp Pilat

Philipp Pilat

Venture Clienting Co-Lead, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 1511 7212197
