Advice on insolvency issues

Your options before and during insolvency

Preparation and implementation of action alternatives for liquidity supply

A corporate crisis has many symptoms. However, if the company's ability to finance itself, i.e. to ensure a sufficient supply of liquidity, is no longer ensured today or in the current and next financial year (12 to 24 months), not only the management, but also the supervisory bodies and financiers are threatened with civil and criminal liability risks. To avoid these risks, it is necessary to examine and implement countermeasures in the short term. However, if these are unlikely to succeed from a third party's perspective, the going concern approach is no longer permitted and over-indebtedness must be examined.  

We help you to draw up alternative courses of action and to implement them in a value-maximizing manner as part of the restructuring process with the other stakeholders. From their activities in small- and large-scale insolvency proceedings and for Germany's top insolvency administrators, PwC's experts know the requirements placed on documentation and the risks to which management, the supervisory bodies and financiers are exposed in a serious or worst-case scenario.

Our service at a glance

Your concern

  • You are an entrepreneur and need advice, transparency and guidance in a crisis? You want to use PwC specialists' many years of experience in insolvency consulting in order to manage the situation fairly for all stakeholders?
  • Your business model will undergo reorganization in the foreseeable future and you want to consider all possible scenarios to ensure legal compliance and at the same time exploit all economic possibilities?
  • You are an insolvency administrator and are in the situation of examining insolvency-specific claims or submitting an insolvency plan settlement, possibly under pressure from creditors?

Our offer

PwC's interdisciplinary experts support all parties to the proceedings in all phases of a corporate crisis – including pre-insolvency “Plan B” considerations and the insolvency plan proceedings themselves. As part of insolvency advice, we also support you in an analysis as to whether or when there are grounds for insolvency. The PwC experts show the various possibilities of restructuring within insolvency proceedings as an alternative to out-of-court restructuring. In doing so, they keep an eye on the time, costs, recovery and risk of the scenario analyzed in each case. 

Depending on the needs of the individual parties, PwC's restructuring experts provide advice worldwide and with all the expertise of the global PwC network. PwC specialists have many years of experience in advising in the administrator, transaction and insolvency environment. They are familiar with the insolvency agenda and are committed to the best possible restructuring in the interests of the parties involved, whether employees or creditors – also and especially during insolvency.

Our promise

With PwC's experienced specialists, you save time and money by considering the insolvency agenda, anticipating the dynamics of a corporate crisis, and keeping opportunities open for a successful transaction. We offer access to the largest restructuring practice in the PwC network worldwide, as well as transparency and speed to minimize loss for all parties involved.

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Contact us

André Bäcker

André Bäcker

Partner, Insolvency-related Consulting, PwC Germany

Tel: +49 69 9585-5264

Dr Frank Girotto

Dr Frank Girotto

Partner, Insolvency-related Consulting, PwC Germany
