Your expert for questions
Christian Elsholz
Partner for Capital Projects and Infrastructure at PwC Germany
Tel: +49 1511 6770951
Whether transport, energy, water or communications, infrastructure projects are essential for a functioning society and economy. However, they are complex, politically sensitive and heavily regulated. The pressure to plan and execute quickly is increasing in the current context of climate change, geopolitical changes and scarce resources.
Time and cost overruns often occur owing to the scarcity of resources and the associated unmet demand for qualified workforce and specialists, the high level of project complexity and the large number of people and interest groups involved.
With comprehensive market knowledge, a strong network and many years of experience, we can support you in executing your infrastructure projects. Our diverse team of experts from various disciplines offers a wide range of expertise throughout the value chain of infrastructure projects.
“In order to implement sustainable infrastructure programmes, partnerships are necessary that optimally share their members’ skills and mitigate risks together. We support our clients in achieving their goals and executing large projects on time, budget and up to standard.”
When it comes to complex, large-scale projects, reliable planning and coordination are just as important as precise project control by everyone involved. Successful projects focus on the following success factors:
Solid commercial project management also serves as an effective early warning system which can signal issues to leadership. Forward-looking project control is key.
The interdependency/correlation of costs and activities along the timeline of a project is an important factor for keeping focus on costs, as is monitoring opportunities and risks. Greater cost sensitivity also leads to economic doing/actions. Forward-looking project controls can be achieved by:
The following success factors are essential for reliable risk management:
Strategic purchasing and effective supplier management are essential guarantees of success for ensuring that demands are met in compliance with the law in terms of costs, quality and time. Key success factors include:
Optimal (preferably digital, KPI-based) process control from demand to payment
The approach to contracts should be geared to the requirements of the project and market in question to enable robust management of contracts and change request. The following aspects are of particular importance:
Efficient planning that takes the regulatory framework into account and anticipates possible planning difficulties at an early stage is of great importance. In particular, the following aspects should be considered for smoother, faster progress:
Suitable logistic spaces and offices are necessary when implementing large-scaled infrastructure projects. In order to ensure careful and professional design of project offices and logistic areas, the focus should be on the following aspects:
Close cooperation between all relevant stakeholders and careful coordinationof materials, machines and resources are the cornerstone of successful coordination of logistics and construction activities. The following are fundamental:
Digitalisation plays a crucial role in implementing infrastructure projects more efficiently. The following points are important for a successful project:
We support you in setting up and implementing integrated project and programme management. Integrated management considers both the planning and the implementation of the relevant parts of the project in the overall context – for example, scheduling, expenses, risks and technical scope.
Integration combines the following disciplines:
We create trust with transparent cost management and forward-looking risk management for proactive instead of reactive action. This is the foundation for achieving goals together.
Project control:
Risk management:
Establishing resilient and sustainable supply chains is a key challenge, especially for large-scaled infrastructure projects. The selection and management of suppliers by an efficient procurement department are of particular importance in this context.
When it comes to managing contracts and change orders, we ensure throughout the entire duration of the project that justified claims are enforced and unjustified ones warded off.. Above all, we ensure that disruption to the project and processes are avoided and that legal disputes do not arise.
Efficient planning that takes the regulatory framework into account and anticipates possible planning difficulties at an early stage is of great importance. In particular, the following aspects should be considered for smoother, faster progress:
● Performing necessary preparatory work early on and in a coordinated manner (subsoil investigations, archaeology, faunistic/floristic mappings, investigations for explosive ordinances, soil protection, early compensatory measures under nature protection)
● Timely, exhaustive, legally compliant and amicable acquisition of all necessary property rights
● Structured, digital and legally compliant handling of public and private objections
● Clear understanding of the legal requirements and of potential for acceleration by reducing or dispensing environmental and/or spatial planning assessments
We advise you – all the way from initial ideas and development right up to the construction, operation and optimisation of the offices and logistics space you need for your infrastructure project.
Logistics and site management pose complex challenges that can lead to delays and increased costs. Proven methods and technologies enable us to reduce these risks and help ensure a coordinated project.
For efficient completion, large-scaled construction projects need IT platforms tailored to their necessities based on existing technical requirements and scale as the project progresses. Our goal: an IT platform that implements all best practices in technical security while enabling modern project management processes. To implement this, we get a wide range of necessary stakeholders involved – even exceeding company boundaries.
Taking over responsibility on an operational level for your new solutions
As a central collaboration platform for everyone involved in a project, PwC’s Construction Hub structures all project-relevant data and simplifies complicated processes. Using a central data and workflow engine enables efficient collaboration between all project partners throughout the entire project cycle.
PwC’s Automated Processing Solution for Infrastructure offers you efficient objection management that analyses and evaluates objections to construction projects. The solution also supports you in the consultation process by creating response letters and placing objections alongside the relevant replies.
Martin Zündorf, Director of Capital Projects and Infrastructure at PwC Germany, explains the options for accelerating infrastructure projects.
Robert Kammerer, Partner at PwC Germany, talks about the role of ESG in modern infrastructure projects.
Hendrik Reese explains the possibilities of AI and technology in infrastructure projects.
Christian Elsholz
Partner, Capital Projects, Infrastructure & Real Estate, PwC Germany
Tel: +49 151 16770951
Rebekka Berbner
Partnerin, Capital Projects, Infrastructure & Real Estate, PwC Germany
Tel: +49 171 7836364