Connected Financial Analytics

Less risk, more prevention

Credit fraud, manipulation in the securities business, balance sheet manipulation, accounting fraud, tax evasion: fraud cases are no trivial offense – they cost companies money for legal proceedings and, above all, their reputation. But how do you keep track of a large number of financial transactions – especially if you have previously relied on manual spot checks? Connected Financial Analytics scans financial data, uncovers anomalies and thus actively supports you in fraud prevention.

Our service

More prevention

This integrated end-to-end solution observes and analyzes your accounting transactions, helping you detect inconsistencies and anomalies in ERP data at an early stage and to detect fraud while it is still in its initial phase. Using the intuitive web interface, you can easily upload your financial data and accounts for analysis. The software will detect indications of patterns typical of fraud and manipulation within the private customer and trading business and will visibly mark them with red flags on the dashboard. In addition to the overview at meta level, a detailed view of individual line items (drill down) can, if needed, also be provided by the financial analysis software, thus facilitating efficient risk management.

Less risk

Connected Financial Analytics combines the know-how of forensic audit and financial experts with advanced tools and technologies, such as an AI-assisted search for inconsistencies, for comprehensive data analysis and supports you in identifying fraud and suspected cases.

As a result, you can conduct investigations more efficiently and completely on your own, keep track of your accounting and other financial transaction data, and significantly reduce the risk of becoming a victim of fraud.

Advice from PwC experts available around the clock

Connected Financial Analytics provides you with the option of consulting experienced PwC experts upon request: A professional team of analysts, forensics experts, legal tech and IT specialists is available to you around the clock to assist you individually with your complex fraud cases and risk management.

Overview of Connected Financial Analytics

  • Integrated component of the comprehensive Connected Digital Services concierge platform
  • Modern technologies and expert advice from one source
  • Immediate and autonomous processing of financial transactions
  • Easy identification of suspected fraud cases with full autonomy – even with large data volumes
  • Greater efficiency and security through artificial intelligence and automated processes
  • Less effort and cost in reviewing financial transactions – significantly less manual reviews required
  • Intuitive user-friendly interface

Connected Digital Services

Connected Financial Analytics is one of the integrated solutions of our Connected Digital Services concierge platform. The complete platform combines various solutions, analysis and monitoring tools with PwC's know-how to form an integrated scalable offering that makes compliance, forensics and risk management faster, more secure and more efficient.

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