Connected Global Intelligence

Your expert for questions

Cornelia Steensgaard-Hansen ist Ihre Expertin für Connected Global Intelligence bei PwC Deutschland

Cornelia Steensgaard-Hansen
Senior Manager at PwC Germany
Tel.: +49 151 57678449

Less gut feeling. More certainty.

Have you got new customers and would like to take the opportunity to get to know them better? Do you need to ensure that your business partners consistently comply with applicable ESG criteria? Are you looking to fill a management position in your organisation and would like to find out more about the candidates involved?

Then you should find out more about our Connected Global Intelligence on-demand service. The PwC solution provides relevant information on companies and individuals and helps to ensure that business relationships comply with the rules. Whether dealing with integrity checks, pre-employment and virtual asset screenings or the topic of ESG compliance: detailed background checks on companies, individuals or corporate interdependencies can be carried out via the platform with the click of a mouse, and carefully researched, fact-based findings can be easily gathered.

The best way to successfully master global challenges, strengthen the integrity of your company and support the compliance management system. 

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Our service at a glance

Less gut feeling

Trust is the be-all and end-all of successful business relationships. However, it has become an immense challenge for companies to safeguard their own integrity. It is not just their own workforce that they have to vouch for. They also have to ensure that partners and applicants do not violate legal or compliance requirements, with regard to issues such as money laundering, sustainability or attempts at bribery and corruption.

One more reason to focus on the topic of integrity due diligence. Stop relying on your gut feeling when onboarding new service providers and candidates! Instead, make informed decisions. This allows you to support your compliance organisation and at the same time provide important tools for compliant global risk management.

PwC's on-demand Connected Global Intelligence service is the tool of choice. It facilitates

  • Business Partner Due Diligence
  • Open source research in relation to ESG risks
  • Competitor analysis
  • Special forensic investigations
  • Asset tracking
  • Pre-Employment Screenings
  • Geopolitical risk analyses
  • Virtual Asset Screening

More certainty

The Connected Global Intelligence, which is part of our Connected Digital Services concierge platform, provides tailored answers to safeguard your integrity. You can choose from various packages and commission, for example, standardised reports for integrity checks, pre-employment and virtual asset screenings as well as the review of potential ESG risks. Our Global Intelligence Team then takes over: it researches public sources, some of which are available for a fee or have restricted access, for relevant background information. During this process, our experts check, among other things

  • Internet and media,
  • Court and litigation databases,
  • Insolvency databases,
  • Business information,
  • International sanctions lists,
  • PEP lists and blacklists.

Once the research is complete, you will have a detailed factual report that you can access at any time via the Connected Global Intelligence dashboard.

Our experts are at your disposal

Connected Global Intelligence helps you keep track of your business partners' and applicants' activities, reduce ESG risks and meet your integrity due diligence. They provide your compliance management systems with relevant background information and help to reliably identify existing risks. Experienced PwC experts are there to assist you: our Global Intelligence Team of more than 3,600 forensic experts is available to you around the clock. Our competent analysts, legal tech and IT specialists will also be happy to support you in the further development of your compliance processes. 

Connected Global Intelligence

Connected Global Intelligence is one of the integrated solutions of our Connected Digital Services concierge platform. The platform combines various solutions and analysis and monitoring tools with PwC's expertise into an integrated, scalable service that makes compliance, forensics and risk management faster, safer and more efficient.

At a glance:

  • Integrated component of the Connected Digital Services concierge platform

  • State-of-the-art technologies and competent advice from a single source

  • Uncomplicated commissioning of integrity due diligence and pre-employment screenings

  • Comprehensive background checks based on a wide range of information sources

  • Effective and efficient risk management

  • User-friendly interface with intuitive operation

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Cornelia  Steensgaard-Hansen

Cornelia Steensgaard-Hansen

Senior Manager, Forensic Services, PwC Germany
