Connected Risk Intelligence

Fewer rumors, more information

Since the social network boom if not earlier, it has been almost impossible to gain a clear picture of general global sentiment and to classify it. Potential risks and crisis are increasingly developing below the radar of global media reporting. Especially for international companies and organizations. Furthermore, the more internationally a company or organization positions itself, the more difficult it becomes to maintain an overview of relevant topics and conduct proactive risk management. Connected Risk Intelligence is our early warning system that provides you with reliable support for risk mitigation with new technologies and targeted monitoring.

Our service

More information

Connected Risk Intelligence is a global news and network solution that relies on the world's largest freely accessible media database and analyzes articles from 150 countries. In doing so, the tool identifies relevant topics and potential risks that could affect your company, competitors, customers and partners as well as other relevant interest groups. How does it work? In addition to key associations, the AI-assisted algorithm also searches reporting about locations, organizations and persons in order to provide the most comprehensive view of sentiment possible and to suppress incorrectly classified results with ever increasing reliability (false positive suppression). You thus gain a knowledge advantage and learn about events and developments at an earlier stage than many of your competitors – including in relation to strategic risks.

Fewer rumors

Connected Risk Intelligence automatically produces detailed sentiment analysis and reports in over 100 languages. The AI clusters and highlights the most important events on an intuitive dashboard. The user-friendly interface enables you to set up alerts and to adjust the dashboard to your individual requirements.

Your advantage: More Insight and Fewer Rumors. With little effort, you can keep an eye on topics and developments from around the world and can successfully counter potential risks through proactive action and management.

Advice from PwC experts available around the clock

Connected Risk Intelligence offers you the option of consulting experienced PwC experts upon request. A professional team of analysts, media professionals and IT specialists is available to you around the clock to assist you with setting up the tool or with the identification and handling of potential risks.

Overview of Connected Risk Intelligence

  • Integrated component of the comprehensive Connected Digital Services concierge platform
  • Modern technologies and expertl advice from one source
  • Sentiment analysis and reporting regarding articles from 150 countries in over 100 languages
  • Customizable alert system for reliable reporting about potential risks
  • AI-based analysis of global news developments
  • Greater efficiency and security through artificial intelligence and automated processes
  • Intuitive user-friendly interface

Connected Digital Services

Connected Risk Intelligence is one of the integrated solutions of our Connected Digital Services concierge platform. The platform combines various solutions, analysis and monitoring tools with PwC's know-how to form an integrated, scalable offering that makes compliance, forensics and risk management faster, more secure and more efficient.

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